माँ सावित्री ज्योतिष अनुसंधान केंद्र द्वारा संचालित सीताराम बैंक में अपना खाता खोल करके पुण्य का संचय कर सभी दु:खों का निदान प्राप्त करें......

Discover the Power of the SITARAM Mantra

Embark on a spiritual journey of transformation with the divine mantra.

Total 0 Mantralekhan by 0 Registered Users

About the SITARAM Mantra

The SITARAM Mantra transcends the limits of human understanding, embodying profound spiritual truths. Ram represents the universal consciousness—both within and around us—symbolizing masculine energy and truth. In contrast, Sita embodies the Shakti of the universe, the divine feminine energy and power.

The union of these two energies ignites the enlightenment of Kundalini Shakti. Ram, known as Maryada Purushottam, epitomizes the ideal man and serves as the Beeja Mantra for the Manipur Chakra (Solar Plexus).Sita, often referred to as the daughter of the Earth, is intimately connected with the Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra).

By chanting and writing "SITARAM," you can ignite your inner fire, cleansing physical, mental, and karmic impurities. This practice enhances your willpower, clarifies your goals, and cultivates the wisdom needed to navigate life’s journey. It fosters health, wealth, and abundance—blessings of the Muladhara Chakra.

Writing "SITARAM" resonates through all the Nadis and Chakras in your body, releasing toxins and restoring hormonal balance. As you chant, you enter a profound state of peace and relaxation, dissolving habitual stress and tension. Negative karma dissipates, allowing your inner bliss to flourish.

Consistent and disciplined chanting of "SITARAM"revitalizes your spirit, diminishing the ego and enveloping you in protective vibrations. This mantra shields you from negativity, psychic attacks, and potential harm. The transformative power of the SITARAM Mantra can profoundly alter your being, radiating peace and inner bliss that manifests as Tejas or spiritual glow.

Experience improved physical and mental health, harmonious relationships, and a deeper connection with your inner self and the divine. Embrace the fulfillment that the SITARAM Mantra brings to your life.

Maa Savitri Jyotish Anusandhan Kendra

Achieve Spiritual Milestones

It has been decided to encourage the writers through the institute for writing Sitaram Mantra, which is as follows :

1,01,000 Mantras

Free Jyotish Consultation

The person who writes Sitaram Mantra 1,01,000 times within a month from the date of registration will get a free Jyotish consultation.

1,61,000 Mantras

Sampurna Jeevan Darpan

The person who writes Sitaram Mantra 1,61,000 times within a month or before from the date of registration will get his Sampurna Jeevan Darpan for free

11,50,000 Mantras

Become a Yajman for Free

The person who writes Sitaram Mantra 11,50,000 times within one year or before from the date of registration will get the opportunity to become Yajman absolutely free for Kalsarp Yog and Grah Shanti Yagya organized annually by the trust on the occasion of Nagpanchami.